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Veterans’ Preference

Veterans’ Preference

Our Commitment 

As a way of honoring those men and women who have served their country on active duty with the armed forces, the State of Idaho gives preference to veterans by providing them a more favorable competitive position for state government employment, while at the same time acknowledging the larger sacrifice of disabled veterans. Eligible veterans are provided advantages in employment with the State of Idaho, including preference for initial employment and retention in the event of layoffs. 

Veterans’ Preference Points & Applicability 

In all public employment in the State of Idaho, excluding key employee positions, hiring officials must give preference to the initial employment of veterans. For those positions identified as classified positions, and thus requiring competitive examination under the State’s merit system, preference will be given to qualifying veterans and qualifying spouses, widows, or widowers in the following manner: 

5 Point Veterans’ Preference Eligibility 

Any preference eligible veteran discharged or released from active duty under honorable conditions (honorable or general discharge), or the widow or widower of any preference eligible veteran provided he or she has remained unmarried, will receive an additional five (5) points to the final score of their competitive examination. 

10 Point Disabled Veterans’ Preference Eligibility 

Any veteran who served in the armed forces at any time, was discharged or released from active duty under honorable conditions (honorable or general discharge), and has a current service-connected disability of 10% or greater or is a Purple Heart recipient, or the widow or widower of any preference eligible disabled veteran or Purple Heart recipient provided he or she has remained unmarried, will receive an additional ten (10) points to the final score of their competitive examination. 

Alternatively, the spouse of any qualifying veteran will receive an additional ten (10) points to the final score of their competitive examination, provided the veteran cannot qualify for public employment because of a service-connected disability. 

10 Point Disabled Veterans’ Preference Eligibility with Offer of Interview 

Any veteran who served in the armed forces at any time, was discharged or released from active duty under honorable conditions (honorable or general discharge), and has a current service-connected disability of 30% or greater, in addition to receiving an extra ten (10) points to the final score of their competitive examination, will also be offered the chance to interview for the position for which they are applying provided their name appears among the top twenty-five (25) qualified applicants. 

Applications by Recently Discharged Military Personnel 

Any military personnel recently discharged or released from active duty from service in the armed forces, or any former military personnel undergoing service-connected hospitalization up to one (1) year following discharged or released from active duty from the armed forces may, within one hundred twenty (120) days of their discharge or hospitalization, file an application for any classified position with the State of Idaho that has already closed, provided there is still an active register for that position. 

Applications by Disabled Veterans 

Any disabled veteran may file an application at any time for any classified position with the State of Idaho for which a register is maintained.